This is an 8-page template for a Business Analysis (BIA) Procedures document to be used in an organization's Business Continuity Management (BCM) initiative. It describes the process for completing the BIA.
The actual BIA questionnaire template is sold separately. It is listed under my Flevy account as "Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Questionnaire Templates."
The scope of this document is:
• To describe the completion of the accompanying BIA questionnaire document;
• To describe the review required by the Technology department with respect to the IT systems;
• To describe the review required by the Property Services department for recovery considerations;
• To describe for the presentation of findings and recovery strategy for the unit/ department from the output of the questionnaire.
This Word document also provides a comprehensive framework for identifying critical business functions and assessing the potential impact of disruptions. It includes detailed steps for data collection, analysis, and reporting, ensuring that all relevant information is captured and evaluated. The procedures outlined are designed to be scalable and adaptable to various organizational sizes and complexities.
Included within the document are guidelines for conducting interviews and workshops with key stakeholders to gather essential insights. These interactions are crucial for understanding the nuances of each business unit's operations and dependencies. The document emphasizes the importance of a collaborative approach, ensuring that all perspectives are considered in the analysis.
The BIA Procedures document also addresses the integration of findings into the broader Business Continuity Plan (BCP). It outlines the process for aligning recovery strategies with organizational priorities and resources. This ensures that the BCP is both practical and effective, providing a clear roadmap for maintaining business operations during and after a disruption.
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Source: Best Practices in Business Continuity Planning, Business Impact Analysis Word: Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Procedures Word (DOC) Document, Boris Agranovich
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